## Ships log:
HvCFT Polydectes : Personal Entry
## Date: October 3, 2006
## Log by: WiredNight
Another crash of thunder rolls its muffled echo through the hull of the Polydectes. I'm at watch, as it seems to be the case oh so often, but so many people are at training assignments, that there is a lull in the chaos that allows me to write.
The thunder is so interesting. It speaks of ionization of the sky. They call what they did to the sky the scorching, and that speaks of fire. Yet I've seen what electricity can do, scorching the insides of electronics. I wonder if what the sky needs is a good degaussing.
I ramble. If I wanted to talk the weather, I'd hunt down a fellow crew member, not write in my log. I find myself rambling so often these days. Maybe the Matrix and my awakening is getting to me.
They say they used to never awaken anyone past a certain age, because the mind couldn't handle it. That restriction seems to have deteriorated a bit, like so much else in the Matrix, but I wonder sometimes if we should re-implement it. I've met some of the strangest folks in the Matrix.
I've met redpills who think they are AI's. Others with the delusion that they are agents. Funny but they don't seem to dodge nearly as well as some of the agents I've met. I've met those who think they are Merovingian Vampires and Lupines, and others who think they are the chosen of Neo and that Neo actually blessed them, even though they never met the man.
God forbid some of them hear me say that Neo was simply a man. They treat him like a god, and Trinity as his goddess-consort. I wonder what the man would think of that. I never met him, I make no delusion of the fact that I have no idea what his thoughts are, but I wonder if he would embrace his new godhood status, or simply be embarrassed by it.
It says a lot about a hero about how he handles godhood status.
Now I have to admit, I am sure some of those whom I deride as being insane, or at least off kilter are really what they claim. I've met some really realistic programming in the Matrix, so it wouldn't surprise me if some really are what they say they are. But still, there are so many who are so obviously not what they claim to be, and yet in their desire to be more then what they are, to fit into their deluded vision of the matrix, make grandeous claims that far exaggerate their meagre abilities.
Fortunately I've fallen in with a good group. Oh insanity strikes them often, but its often the good style of craziness, that type of craziness that is more steam being blown off from the stress of the Matrix then it is true insanity. I'm sure many would claim otherwise in their smart-alex style that no they are quite insane, then go prancing about naked until they jump off the government building.
Still, when it comes time, they know who they are, more importantly what they are. They know their limitations, and know that to be grand they don't need to make grandeous statements.
Others, well others I will never understand them. I was accused the other day of being a worrier. Maybe that's true. Maybe I over-analyze too many things, and worry about them in my free time. Still, if there are those who can think they are AI’s or Blood Drinkers and Lupines, or even Agents, how long until some charismatic fool, with delusions of grandeur, convinces a sizable number of people in following them to war, and totally wrecks the truce.
Maybe that has already happened. Maybe the Commandos and the Cypherites and the EPN are all fools striving for the title of biggest fool, but a biggest fool with a gun can be dangerous, as they often don't know when NOT to pull the trigger.
And don't get me started on the Unlimits. I've met some of the weaker ones in my taskings from Agent Gray, and they seem to have no goal but to destroy everything. I hate to think what the stronger ones are capable of.
I heard the term "cheat code" thrown around. Cheat codes historically were something programmers put into games in order to hide easter eggs, or more often for ways in order to test certain things in game without having to be bothered with simple game mechanics. Often these codes were left in then "leaked" to the public in order to cater to those who needed to be "1337" in their gaming.
But still, these cheat codes always worked within the system. They may have made them invincible, or unlimited ammo, or even changed the bad guy into an alien dancing girl, but still it was within programming.
That would mean that if these Unlimits are using Cheat Code, then they still in a way work within the system. They work in ways that the programmer of the Matrix had for some reason designed into the framework of the Matrix.
If that is the case, there is a way to stop them. All programming has its weaknesses, all can be hacked, its just a matter of how.
Still, how long until we get those running around claiming to follow the Unlimit path, and causing more havoc then its worth. Hell we already have those claiming Agent status, how long until someone is deluded enough to believe they have Unlimit status. At least those who claim Agent status work with the system. Unlimit status is directly against the system.
I wonder what the Unlimits are like when they are jacked out, and are weakened to mere "mortal" status. Maybe it would be better for find this Anome's meat body and simply remove the plug, then it would be to fight him in the Matrix. Still, Zion has been successful in the past of hiding their meat bodies from those who search for them, I would assume this Anome is just as good. Still, send out a bunch of the Sentinels, and any ship broadcasting Unlimit code could be blasted out of the tunnels.
Maybe the Machines are doing that. I find that they tell me so little.
Another crash of thunder, a little louder this time. A storm is coming again, I need to make sure I am prepared.
##End of log