## Ships log:
HvCFT Polydectes : Personal Entry
## Date: September 26, 2006
## Log by: WiredNight
I was never good with people. I just don't understand them in truth. I have always felt more comfortable with a computer screen and bits and bytes and nodes across from me, then a breathing human. Code is always so much easier to understand. My parents always said I was passionate, but passion doesn't always equate to understanding.
I had managed to overcome my shortcomings with people in my business dealings. My passion for programming and systems always came out, yet my slight uncomfortableness put those who were in charge at ease. I wasn't a threat to their positions of power. Just let him do his job and get paid and get out. But the sell was easy. Show them there was a need for my services, perform the services, get paid and be gone.
But now, now I just don't understand. The product that humanity wants... its peace... is in our grasp, and yet most of us don't seem to care. I don't understand how that can be. You ask for a product, and the product is received.
But even in my lack of understanding, I can see that even humanity disagrees on why they don't want the product.
You have those who just don't think the product is enough. They want more, and they want it now. Peace isn't enough, they need to have it all NOW. They don't realize that the more they open their grasp to take more, the more what they have slips from their open fingers.
Then you have those who would rather there wasn't a need for the product. They would prefer to run and hide and pretend that everything was better before they even knew they needed a product. Worse, if it was only them wanting to hide, it wouldn't be so bad. But in their fear, they want to take others to hide with them, because only then will their fears be laid to rest.
Others just don't want the product, the peace, at all. They find that they can get some semblance of power, and that the lack of product hides their shortcomings. And so they fight with all they have to keep the product out of the hands of others.
Finally there are those who say they love the product and clutch it to their breasts like a new teddy bear. They claim comfort in having it. Yet they later decide to drag it along and unconsciously. Its comforting to know its there, but really they go ahead and do things with it that it wasn't designed to do in their quest for different products, and in the end they break and stretch and rip the product never realizing that one day it'll just finally explode in fragments and be nothing more then a pile of fragments of something that once was beautiful, but now is no more.
There are so few who realize that this peace, this product, is a slim and fragile thing. That every action if not carefully thought out, can become something that will shatter it. Why can they just not see? I do not understand why most of humanity can not understand that it is so fragile thing that any action against it can lead it burst into a figment.
I am not saying inaction is the key. But one must understand that the peace is not here strictly for us. That all parties involved have a stake in this peace. But by working towards a greater understanding, the peace grows stronger, that understanding grows stronger, and with understanding we can make this world a great place.
I will never understand people.
##End of log